Sunday, April 30, 2006

Online Commenting!

I was reading a news article on 'Google 3D with Sketchup' - and how Google has released a free version thats available only for IE and Windows 2k/XP as of now. Well, article is all good and informative, but the most interesting part was the comments section at the bottom of the page - ppl praising/complaining/cribbing/just chilling or whatever.
So now, there were some who weren't happy that Google didnt come out with a "free" version for Firefox or Linux or to be more precise - anything "non-Microsoft"!! Scrolling a little more up the chain of comments, I found a comment by a guy that totallly cracked me up ! :)))))))) I almost fell off my chair laughing, while reading the comment over and over again! Article is @ India

Comment: (click on the image to enlarge and read)
Response: (click on the image to enlarge and read)! ;) hehehe


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Google Romance

We all know how Google Inc works 32 hrs a day/375 days a year to ensure they are able to churn out quality product every once in a while. So the other day I saw this update on the my GMail RSS feed of Google's Official Blog about a new product they are putting out in the market - Google Romance! Supposedly on this site you can find your soul mate using Google's Soulmate Search(TM)!
So I browsed the new product and liked what I saw and so decided to forward to all my school frnds. It was when I started entering the email ids that I realised...none of them were single anymore - they are either married or engaged or have bf/gfs - except me :(. Usually such things are not what I like to talk about, but after a glass of wine, I get a little free with words! :) Nothing special, nothing "unspecial" either, just that I had been to Safeway and while there, I got myself another bottle of Californian chardney!:)
Anyways, back to the topic - not that I regret that I am still single; to be honest all the time I have these days are occupied with something or the other to do. Even right now, when I look at my white board, I have 12 pending tasks to do! Ofcourse, silly things like updating the blog arn't up there, but nevertheless, I take time out once in a while and throw something here! that I look at the white board, I feel guilty that I have so much to do and I am sitting here and wasting my time! Ahhh, wat the heck, man needs time to relax, esp after a 10 hr work day! :( Ssshhhhhhhhh! again deviating from the topic! This is the reason why drinking and driving is a felony - one get distracted and diverted very easily! Soo, what I was saying was that I dont regret being a single. Well, right I dont, but sometimes I feel like I am running out of time... I see some of the senior ppl at work and they stay at work late into the evening almost everyday...and I start to wonder - this is how life becomes after a few years when more responsibility are dumped on your shoulders. Right now I have the time and the "freedom", if you know what I mean ;), but how do I use it - sit at home on my ass and brwose the net! I know I have to change things, and I am eagerly waiting for things to get a little smoother, to mend my ways...right now there is so much going on on and off work that nothing else gets priority - except for times like "this" - when nothing else is possible anyway :)))
Ok, I think I need to stop! Probably get a refil for that glass :)).
