Saturday, August 02, 2008

Create a home wireless network for sharing files

I found the above site useful to create home network... - click the title for the URL. Thanks to whoever took the time to jot down the points.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Making updates to Windows to make it faster

I have a laptop which is going to complete 3 yrs end of this month! So quite obviously, its kinda out-of-date in this 'new-update-everyday' age! :) But, I still feel it has few more months left on it before I would have to have a new machine.
Was checking something online and came across this site which details some tips and tweaks that will help improve computer performance at the cost of some fancy defaults - some obvious and some not so much. At this point, I would definitely take performance over fancies.

Here is the site -


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Top 10 YouTube Videos of All Time

I had to link to this article! 10 most watched youtube videos...though I wont say the 10 best - 7 out of 10 are music videos; not that music videos dont count, but they are not personal videos - mostly uploaded by the recording company to promote or watever.
But nevertheless, good to see there is a list! :)

Video that tops the list - Evolution of Dance - that really does deserve to be on top...strange though, I had never heard of the guy - comedian who did it - before! Good work though. Even I was able to recognize quite a few of those songs!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Political comments!

I was reading this article on Yahoo News - Ex-Soviet Georgia: Russia shot down unmanned spy plane - Yahoo! News.

Half way thru - there is para where it says the a govt spokesperson is denying involvement by giving the excuse that on Sunday airforce pilots have "rest day"! :) Rest day for defence forces - I din know such a thing existed!!! Its as if, they are saying - 'Yes we did it', but dont want to say it using those exact words :).

Friday, March 21, 2008

Windows Boot file - no messing around!

Here is what I did -
1. Installed Vista.
2. Installed Linux ON TOP of Vista install - unceremoniously getting rid of Vista(well, I had reasons - my machine doesnt match the Vista system requirements :( ]
3. Chose to have Windows as the default OS on startup.

What I ended up with -
1. 3 layers of boot-loading screens!!!
1st screen was for choosing between Linux and Windows.
2nd screen was for choosing between Vista and "Older version of Windows"[even though Vista was not there anymore, but I think the bootloader file din get deleted:(]
3rd screen was to choose between Windows(default) and XP Professional.[This 3rd screen was actually my doing - initially there were only 2 screens; I had some keeda in my back-part and I decided to change boot.ini to get rid of the 2nd screen, but instead ended up with a 3rd one!]

Now, what I wanted to do next was to revert back to the previous configuration where I was getting only 2 screens. So I went back to boot loader file and changed back what I had edited. And just to check that everything was ok, I restarted the machine. That was the end of it! My windows partition wont start anymore. So, I look up online to see if there is a way to get around this problem - ofcourse there is - there is solution for every problem on this planet :).
SOlution was to insert the Windows recovery CD and then work thru the recovery menu that pops up. All things nice - I put my recovery cd in and got to the point where I had to go to the recovery menu. At this point, system asks for admin password! ADMIN PASSWORD!!! I dont ever recall having set an admin pwd, and even if I did, I had never used basically, I didnt remember it!
Ok, more googling and checking with my personal Computer wikipedia - my brother - so it seems I can get in to my linux partition and then access windows file by mounting the windows partition and then change boot loader file back to how it was.
There is where I am stuck rite now...trying to get windows mounted on linux. Lets see how it goes.. :)


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Blue-tooth indeed!

Blue-"tooth" huh! :). I shot this in Bangalore's Forum Mall last yr..
