Monday, September 26, 2005

Sudhir mailed in GWReloaded yesterday - taking a walk down the memory lane...talking about all the things we used to do in GW. Most of them seem funny now, but at one point that was in a 1 bedroom house with 4 other roomies, being scared all the time that the landlord would find out; doing all night UPD shifts in the worst of the weather conditions possible and with one small heater to keep self warm...doing all nighters in Tomp/Acad esp in the 1st semester for the Digital Design project...and the amazing happiness and satisfaction once it was done; how can I forget that day, or rather that night. It was around 3.30 when I finally got it all working and cried out in excitement...:). Its funny that I am so scared of number 7 and it was in the 7th floor lab that I finally completed the design!
I am going to try and recount more events from the past in the next few posts... there is no way I want to forget about them; ofcourse lot of it is in my diary but the things that are not there, I better jot them down lest my already failing memory fails me! The song I am listening to right now - 'Do You Remember' by Phil Collins... how can I forget... :)


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