Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lko times!

Ok, me is going to jot down anything and everything I can remember about my life there... :). This will be fun!

1. I used to have a cycle - a red one, dont rem which model...
2. My frnds in school (Seventh Day Adventist High School, Indira Nagar, Lko) - Rupak Kumar Roy (bugger was my best frnd there), Anurag Singh Rawat (best kho-kho player!)...Vijay and his twin brother - cant rem other fellow's name...Vidisha (my Raakhi sister), Sangeeta (the tall one), Shweta (I rem there were 4 of them in my class!)...but I know which one I remember most - the one with light brown eyes... :), there was another fat fellow who used to hang out with me and Rupak - cant get his name or face now...
3. I had once gone to Rupak's house and we all had played cricket in his lawn. Then Papa had come and picked us up...
4. Shweta had once come to my house to return my notebook. I remember this coz she had actually bound my torn notebook when she retuned it!!
5. A gali ka kutta had once started chasing me when I was learning to ride cycle and though it was a very small dog, I was shit scared and praying tht I shouldn't fall off the cycle and be eaten by the beast lol !

More later...

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